Spa Etiquette
We have a 48 Hr Cancellation Policy
If you need to change or cancel an appointment please contact us at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.
Cancellations within 48hrs are subject to 50% charge of each service cancelled.
Missed/no shows appointments are subject to 100% charge of the services missed.
Changes to services within 48hrs may be subject to a $20 Service Change Fee.
Group Bookings Groups of 4 or more guests require a deposit and will be sent our Group Booking Policy which is required to signed and returned to hold the booking.
Please arrive 10min prior to your appointment so that you are checked in and ready for your appointment time. If you are more than 15mins late for your appointment we may need to reschedule. Please understand that we are usually fully booked, but will try our best to accommodate late arrivals. Your service time may be cut short to maintain our schedule however pricing remains as originally booked.
First visit with us? We ask that you arrive 10 min prior to your appointment to fill out a required health history form and to start relaxing before your service
Kindly turn off or silence cell phones. The Spa is a tranquil environment where our guests can come and escape from everyday business & stress. We ask that you please refrain from answering or making calls while at the spa. If you do need to take a call please step outside to not disturb our other guests. Please be aware that if you do need to step outside to make a phone call it may result in a shortened service.
RMT Receipts Policy – Insurance Receipts Issued for RMT services. Please note: We will not issue at receipt for RMT services paid by Gift Card. If you would like to have a receipt please let your therapist or reception know. The Gift Certificate Receipt will include the original purchase date, the name of person who bought the gift card, the name of guest who received the massage and the date the massage happened.
We accept Interac, MasterCard, Visa & Cash
HST not included in prices. Prices subject to change without notice.
Gratuities are not included in spa prices. If you wish to show appreciation for a job well done or service enjoyed, gratuity envelopes are available at the reception desk when you check out.